Saturday, 30 August 2008


deep pan
bbq sauce
hickory steak
chili beef
rashers of bacon
more cheese

supermarket boy, eyes as pale as the moon
face with as many craters
every weekend trapped inside a glass paneled bakery
the music you listen to is constructed from fakery
cheap cheery hip hop, sold by the weight
electro and rock developed by snakes

snakey industry devils in whos tunes you revel
melting your earwax with septic levels...

of volume,
of purity,
of what you should feel
stuck in the middle
you have stolen the wheel
the songs say love her, even through it all
the times she cupped your best mates balls
a fool, you glance behind the saucered

reflected on the glass your spots seem enormous
the mirrored glass is the thing that caused this

they can see you work they say
they can be involved in the process
you just flick switches and fuck with the voltage

croissant... better yet

maybe you'll so doughnuts, put em in your pocket and go home
call Danni on the phone and meet her at the park

the doughnuts you made in the shape of a heart
she turns away with her face like you farted
an abstract description, but we know where it started
the beans for lunch and the eggs for tea
for you for her, its better to leave

rejected, alone, you move through the park
theres a hole in the donuts and in your heart


Is so amazing, it really is one of the best television programmes ever made

Keep Pulling me hair out, i dunno why feel quite odd, feel like i am malting.


sickly politician feeding on celebrity
societys thoughts ruled by the heat
a flame or a spark of a cosmetic smile
gains a mile on the campaign trail
a trial, mislead, something else to be,
celebrity news infiltrates the bbc
bye bye shipping reports,

lost thoughts turn to
whos wearing what,
the price of shoes

plastic, antagonistic feet, stomp the stores
woolworths is losing the political war,

we fade away, commerical gain is king,
not voting for who does the right thing,
but for who can promote the best chicken wings,

The tv votes are piling in,
the show is the thing,
seedy judges with tiny eyes
pantomime the reasons why,
making it clear for the hairgelled masses
home from school confused by english classes

like the street before it becomes all alike,
feeding parliament with neon lights,
no one cares about equality
its more about buy one, get one free

Thursday, 28 August 2008


Ostrich Boy With Rubber Eyelids
He's Just Friends With The Blind Kids

Only People Discriminate,

Ostrichian Hands Holding Theres
He's Safe From Their Evil Stares

Walking Through The Hospitals
Getting High Off Little Pills

Ostrich Addict,
People Caused His Habit.

Stuck Alone To Headphones
Listening To Loud Trombones

As Everyone Walks By,
Ignoring Him, Even though,

His Trombone Music Is Loud, And Shit.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Looking to buy this on cd for you laura, but i cant find it

read about her on imockery


shes well good
i think laura would like her, i figure she would.

i dunno, shes good though

still smell like reading

only a couple of things better than metallica :)