Wednesday, 2 July 2008


I think the trailers for dark knight, are better than most films, but this is by far the best.

Dominos exclusive?

wehat pizza and batman.

shit, just got real.

I dont think i have been as excited for anything as i have been for DK.

I think it could possibly be the biggest thing to ever happen in the world, it is pretty amazing.

I cant wait for it, and then my gf will no longer have my speculation filling here ears.

who dies, rachel dawes?

PRESUME SO would make sensse...

Aaron Eckhart is amazing in thank you for smoking.

Jason reitman is amazing though.. TYFS is a quality flick. cant wait for reitmans next film either, what does he do after juno.

Thank You For Smoking is the story Nick Naylor tobacco lobbyist and his way of weaving the world around him, its hard not to side with naylor as eckharts charm basically eats you alive, the script and v/o ooze out of the screen and it has one of the best supporting casts ever, Katie Holmes acting. people forget shes actually good. Too much strange news.

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